Sustainability Works - Annelies Pijnenburg - Amsterdam
Sustainability Works



Sustainability Works' success lies in our extensive network, our full commitment and in-depth knowledge of how to build transition teams. Recruitment, executive search and management consultancy are our main activities. We are flexible: your requirements and wishes shape the process.

Our network comprises thousands of sustainability professionals, from entry-level to executive and senior management level, with experience in supply chain management, marketing and communications, advocacy, quality management and multi-stakeholder initiatives, among many others. We can also search for and present excellent candidates for interim and consultancy/freelance positions and, if needed, within days.


“Sustainability Works delivers good people for a good cause and in the right place.”

"Employers can be assured that thanks to Sustainability Works' approach, they will get someone who comes out of the interview process as if they came out of some preparation training for the job."